
JERUSALEM 950 SQM – Catalogue

JERUSALEM 950 SQM, Jerusalem Biennale, Tower Of David Museum, Jerusalem, Israel. Enter and press image to see the catalogue.

Life Tracks – TRACCE DI VITA

Catalogue from the exhibition Life Tracks – TRACCE DI VITA, Torino, Italy, 2019. Enter and press image to see the catalogue.  

»Die Kratzer sind gewollt«

17 Nov 2019. In meiner Kunst kreiere ich Chaos: Schaut man sich meine Kork-Obelisken an, dann sieht man, wie ich sie zerkratzt und mit Rotwein und Jod begossen habe. Es ist ein sehr aggressiver, ja brutaler Prozess, der instinktiv einsetzt. Wenn ich anfange zu denken, dann muss ich mein Atelier sofort verlassen. Read full article …

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2018, Italy (Link Italian)

This Is His Tattoo

Written By ILAN NACHSHON A concentrated dose of graffiti seen by Avner Sher, three years ago, on the walls of a public toilet completely revolutionized his concept of art. Until then for many years his paintings had been composed of colorful compositions in the cubistic spirit. They were a natural tangent to his profession as an …

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Visual Esperanto – Avner Sher’s Oeuvre As A “third Space”

VISUAL ESPERANTO – AVNER SHER’S OEUVRE AS A “THIRD SPACE” An article written By Smadar Sheffi PhD The realms Avner Sher creates in his works span eras and cultures in a language of “visual Esperanto.” His multilevel works contain images of gestures, emotions, body and domesticity in a primordial language that transcends cultural differences. More …

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Conversation With The Artist

An interview with curator Revital Alcalay RA: Looking at your work set me on a journey; at first glance the images seemed like naïve cave paintings, ancient graffiti, crude scenes in the larger outdoor context or framework. The journey then turned to revealing order and beauty within the jaggedness and crudeness of the images, compositions …

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Scope Miami Is Anything But Subtle

December, 2014. Some lower-key booths worth a look: Avner Sher’s solo-artist show at Ostend, Belgium–based Koninklijke Villa Gallery, where dealer Johan Westenburg showed tactile mixed-media on cork and wood, carved and scratched by the Israeli artist. The work is rooted in graffiti but evokes Art Brut names such as Jean Dubuffet as well ..

The Art Of Avner Sher

Written by the curator Hagai Segev   sacrifice, 2007 The art of Avner Sher is a universal in nature. His works combine Pre-historic motifs and elements with child-like symbolism and style. At the same time, it is a sophisticated art of a well trained architect that retains the freshness of autodidact artist. At first, the …

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Art magazine

2014, An article from Art magazine. (English + Hebrew)

Images In The Chaos

 November 2002, Written By HILLY MOYAL, Published in MAKOR RISHON. Avner Sher, a successful architect who designed many public buildings in Israel, is also an unrestrained artist who uses an electric saw, screwdriver, ketchup and black coffee in his creations. His works are influenced by his holocaust survivor parents as well as the bible on …

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